Family of two adults and three children looking at the camera
“I hired Mandi for my VBAC. She was an amazing doula! From the first time we spoke on the phone I knew there was something different and special about her. She and I clicked right away. I felt like we were friends from the moment we met! When I hired her as my doula, I knew she was the right choice. At our first meeting she arrived promptly. Something I truly appreciated! She was so organized and I loved that she took notes about me while we talked. She was so kind and was passionate about being a doula. Her excitement about birth made me so excited. She really believes in a woman's body to give birth. Her excitement made me excited and confident in my own body! I loved the time Mandi dedicated to me. She took time to get to know me. We spent hours together and it helped me get to know her so much more, which totally helped me connect with her and feel more comfortable with her as the birth date was getting closer. I really enjoyed our appointments. She was very thorough. She asked me questions about what I wanted with my birth. Even things I never thought of. She was so kind to my husband and my children every time she saw them. When it was time to give birth, her presence made me feel like everything was going to be ok! She encouraged me while I was pushing, held my hand, and suggested the birth bar which was great for my labor. After birth she stayed extra time to make sure I was comfortable in my hospital room. She kept telling me how awesome I did while I gave birth to my daughter. Mandi made this birth experience so amazing. She listened. She cared. She challenged me. She believed in me and my body to give birth. She was an instant friend and will forever hold a special place in my heart. We both got what we wanted and planned- an unmedicated VBAC!”Rousanna, third time mom in Ohio
Doula, mother, baby, and father smiling at the camera
"Mandi was invaluable during my labor and birth. She had a way of making my husband and I feel both in control of the birth, while also feeling like we could defer to her expertise at any moment. She emanated a strength, certainty, and security that made me feel that she would ‘take care' of me while also constantly affirming and building up my own sense of strength and certainty in my decisions. Mandi adapts to unexpected situations with grace. During the various ups and downs during my baby’s birth, she adapted without resistance. It often seems as though Mandi has anticipated all possible disruptions and has already created a plan. She was physically and mentally strong as she applied counter pressure during my contractions for seven hours. It was wonderful to know I had her as an advocate and to guide me in comfort measures.”Kati, first time mom in Italy
“I was unsure of my place in my wife’s labor and delivery room, but now I have a better idea as to what my role is going to look like. I enjoyed the labor rehearsal as it gave me an idea of my role as well as learning the difference between early labor, active labor, transition, etc.”Jordan, first time dad in Italy
Mother, baby, and father smiling at the camera
"Choosing to have an unmedicated birth with minimal intervention in a hospital left me feeling like a fish swimming upstream. Mandi's passion for birthwork, her depth of knowledge in her field, and her professionalism in stressful situations made her the obvious choice to attend our birth. She was an unwavering pillar of support for my husband and I before, during, and after our son's birth. She was there with encouragement and knowledge anytime I felt overwhelmed by choices and information and provided unbiased information as we made choices to prepare for our dream birth, emotional support when we were surprised by our worst case scenario, and professional support as we navigated complications after delivery. She provided physical, emotional, and spiritual support to both my husband and I when our son was discovered to be breech and we were faced the difficult decision to deliver him via cesarean. The emotional support and compassion Mandi provided was invaluable to our family.”Brenna, first time mom in Italy
"You worked hard for my wife and I. I was impressed by you dedication. You helped us be more confident in our decisions.”Ruben, second time dad in Ohio
"One of my major concerns was that I wouldn't have enough help after my child was born, but with a postpartum doula, I didn't have to worry."Mariel, second time mom in Ohio
"Mandi showed me how to help [my wife] with pain!"Joshua, first time dad in Hawaii
Baby sleeping with sun hat and pacifier
"After a traumatic first birth that involved an epidural, a deep tear, and two blood transfusions, I was determined to have a safer birth with my second child. My goal was to have a drug-free birth to minimize tearing and blood loss. After doing some research I learned that the chance of having a cesarean or epidural was drastically decreased with doula support. I decided to hire Mandi because her commitment and passion for her craft shines though so brightly. While working with Mandi, I never hesitated to ask anytime I had a question because I knew she genuinely cared and wanted to help me in any way that she could. She was able to answer all my questions, asked me questions to help me decide what I wanted, and gave honest and compassionate feedback when I asked. She provided tons of handouts, worksheets, and other helpful materials. I knew she would be able to help me communicate exactly what I wanted and needed to the medical staff, which was important to me because I felt very pushed off during my first birth and didn’t want that to happen again. She supported me in having the kind of birth I wanted without expectation or judgement. During labor, she supported me with Hypno-Birthing, which was my method of choice. She helped make sure the staff took care of the things I wanted such as dim lights and wearing my own clothes. She was supportive when the pain began to take over and helped me work through it. When it came time to push, I was scared because during my first birth, no one told me anything and I didn’t know what was happening. Mandi talked me through everything that was happening and reminded me that I wanted to push on my side to minimize tearing. Part of the fear went away because I knew that my interests were her number one priority. She made sure I was actually supported - not just my baby. She went above and beyond any expectations I had. With her help, I was able to have my ideal birth and part of me was healed.”Sara, second time mom in Ohio
"After an amazing workshop series, Mandi continued to bolster me as my doula, conducting organized and detail-oriented prenatal visits, providing an empathetic shoulder to lean on, and referring me to evidence-based resources as I made final decisions regarding my birth plan. She encouraged me to take what I had learned and prepare multiple birth plans – a csection plan and elective/induction plan – in addition to my preferred intervention-free plan so that I would be prepared for any scenario. She was a dependable and steadfast presence throughout my labor and delivery, and when things did not go entirely as planned, she was composed and communicative, making it easier for me to take the ensuing events in stride. After the birth of our daughter, Mandi not only continued to follow up with our family to ensure that we were settling in well, but also spent the two following days working around the clock offering postpartum support before her own family was scheduled to move back to the States a week later. She simply said, 'I knew it was important to you,' and her generosity with her time, prioritization of my needs and commitment to me as a client touched me deeply.”Erika, second time mom in Italy
"I can say without a doubt that having Mandi Wagnild as my doula was one of the smartest decisions I have ever made. I knew when I became pregnant that I wanted an un-medicated birth but had no idea how to do this. From the moment I met Mandi, I knew we would make a great team. She not only gave me the tools to have the birth experience I wanted, she empowered and educated me so that I was able to make the decisions that were best for me and my baby. From the beginning, Mandi’s goal was to ensure that I was prepared for all possible scenarios and that I had a plan in place so that I could make an informed decision if/when that time came. When the time came to have my baby, I felt so prepared. I was calm and I knew that regardless of what happened, Mandi would be there to coach and support me along the way. My initial goal was to have a completely natural, un-medicated birth without any interventions. However, I soon learned births never go as planned. I ended up having to be induced on very short notice due to some unforeseen circumstances. As soon as I found out, I called Mandi and we discussed my options so I knew when I got to the hospital I had the option to request a more natural method of induction vs what my OBGYN initially recommended. She explained everything that was going on throughout the process and was there to support me and my husband. Soon after being induced, they started a Pitocin drip and my contractions became much stronger. She helped me get comfortable by offering me different positions and talked me through each contraction. She was also a HUGE support to my husband throughout this whole process. She talked him through some ideas/suggestions on things he could do to support/assist me during and between contractions. I was only in labor for approximately 9 hours before I felt the urge to push. Mandi knew that one of my biggest fears was pushing because I was terrified after hearing about the dreaded “ring of fire”. She was great! She coached me through it by suggesting I try pushing in different positions all of which I tried but ultimately I was most comfortable pushing while in the bed. Mandi knew I was tired but she continued to offer me options because she didn’t want me to give up and knew that by changing things up, it would give me more energy and help the baby get in a better position. I spent about an hour and 45 minutes pushing before the doctor started to get impatient. Mandi sensed that he might suggest a C-section if the baby wasn’t born soon so she helped me to dig deep and give it my all. After about 15 more minutes of pushing, my baby boy was here! The best part about all of this is that I had no idea that the doctor was concerned until later when we met to discuss my labor and delivery. She was so supportive, calm, and was really my rock throughout the whole labor and delivery process. When my son was nine months old I found out I was pregnant again and once again enlisted Mandi to support me through my second son’s labor and delivery and again she was amazing. This delivery was very different as I went in to labor on my own. When I went to the hospital, the nurse informed me that I was only three centimeters dilated and suggested I do some walking to help my labor progress. So, at 11pm me, Mandi and my husband walked the hospital for approximately 4 hours. After no progress, I decided (with the support of my midwives and Mandi) to go home and get some rest. After being home for approximately 2 hours, I decided I needed to go back to the hospital as my contractions were very close together and unbearable. We called Mandi and when I got to the hospital, I was told I was 9 centimeters dilated! They rushed me into labor and delivery and by the time I got undressed I felt the need to push. My second son was born just 20 minutes after arriving at the hospital. Unfortunately, Mandi didn’t make it back in time but I found that I was okay to do this on my own. However, I know that had Mandi not prepared me for every possible scenario, I would have been scared to death. Mandi is one of a kind. She is fantastic at what she does and has such a calming presence. She never once told me what to do (even though I begged her to) because she felt it was her job to inform me of my options and let me make the decisions that were best for me. She taught me so much about me, my body, birth and about empowerment. I loved every minute of it! I was so fortunate to have been able to work with her not once, but twice. I highly recommend her to anyone and everyone I meet. I know that given the opportunity to have another child, I would want her by my side.”Julie, second time mom in Ohio
I knew I wanted to have a natural unmedicated birth and wanted someone to help me so that I was prepared.  We interviewed several people and I felt that we got along well and I liked your personality. You made me feel comfortable and I knew you would do everything you could to help me get the birth that I wanted.  You prepared us for what birth would be like. Learning about the different stages of labor and different positions was very helpful.  Letting us know all of our options when it came time to take care of our baby and knowing that we have a choice and could say no if we want to was awesome. We felt knowledgeable and empowered to make the best decisions for us. I love that you had such great communication with my husband because when it came time for the birth I knew that you would be the one helping him to help me.  I also appreciated that you were very open and honest and always available to answer any questions.  I felt very prepared for labor and his birth.  During labor you offering different positions and giving suggestions on what might be more comfortable.  I enjoyed our time together. I felt that we all really got along well. You were a part of a very special, intimate time of our lives and I'll never forget it.  If I got pregnant again, I would hire you again in a heartbeat.  I really appreciate all you did for us. I will never forget you and how you helped us during our pregnancy and ultimately the birth of our son. You are wonderful!Julie, first time mom in Ohio
“Before talking with Mandi, I was naively under the impression that I could just roll with the punches and everything would turn out perfectly. We had a long meeting to talk about my birth plans, health history, communication style, and preferences for support. Had I not hired her... it never would have occurred to me to review natural pain relief strategies or personal preferences for encouraging remarks with my husband... Going over everything in detail with her helped me realize how much I hadn’t thought about—and how much I needed to decide.”Katie, first time mom in Ohio
Baby sleeping with purple blanket
"I was faced with a sort of complicated pregnancy. I had high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. I needed a doula who would support me and my choices, no matter what. That is what Mandi did. Even though it was not what I had originally wanted, I was induced and had an epidural and she supported me throughout it all. She helped me push through the labor pain. She held my hair while a threw up. She held my legs while I pushed. I couldn't have asked for better support from her. What stands out most about our experience with her is how much she cares about her clients and their wishes. She would have literally done anything in her power to help us with whatever we needed. That was amazing. As a result of hiring Mandi as my birth doula, I was able to vaginally birth my healthy son. I truly believe that if it wasn't for Mandi, I might have ended up with an emergency cesarean.”Lela, first time mom in Italy
"My experience had taught me that it was unlikely I would have warm or personalized care from my providers during pregnancy, labor and birth. I didn't want to be shuffled through the system and have to rely on self-study only. I was skeptical about the status quo obstetric care. I wanted to be taught and led by a critically-thinking skeptic who valued science over the status quo...and Mandi provided that! It is an uphill battle to avoid a variety of unnecessary interventions during labor and birth that lack evidence for their efficacy, and she prepared my husband and I thoroughly to successfully avoid these risky interventions. Mandi is such a skilled diplomat. She always had the best advice about how to deal with medical providers who I thought were not offering me the best care. I had to fight for my right to decline status quo interventions during pregnancy and birth and Mandi was with me every step of the way.”Kati, first time mom in Italy
“My son, Max, had trouble latching so I pumped breast milk for him for approximately the first month. My thought at this time was 'maybe I can’t breastfeed him' so I decided I would just exclusively pump. Mandi knew that I really wanted to breastfeed as we had previously talked at length about how important it was to me. So, when she called to check in with me to see how it was going and found out I had essentially given up, she suggested I give it one more try. So I followed Mandi's advice. My son latched immediately and thus began our nursing relationship. I was fortunate enough to nurse Max until he was 10 months old.”-Julie, first time mom in Ohio
"Mandi’s childbirth education class utilized Plumtree Baby education materials and employed a multi-faceted teaching approach that catered to all learning styles, making supplemental use of a host of visual aids, props, videos and hands-on learning opportunities. The class gave a detailed overview of all aspects of pregnancy, birth and postpartum recovery, and Mandi respectfully and professionally delivered the material in an unbiased manner. Mandi maintained an excellent balance of lecture and discussion, and she was exceptionally thorough in answering questions and taking the time to elaborate on the material as needed. Mandi was impressively knowledgeable about all aspects of the curriculum, and diligently looked up any points that required further explanation. She freely and frequently quoted current, evidence-based research ad lib with remarkable eloquence, demonstrating an expertise honed by diligent self-study and experiential learning. Mandi further deepened our understanding of the research and increased our self-sufficiency by providing links to quality resources and assigning us to educate ourselves outside of class so that we could return to share our findings with each other. Her passion for the subject matter was contagious, and she instilled confidence rooted in preparedness in her students. The knowledge and confidence that I took away from Mandi’s class imbued me with a sense of calm through the remainder of my pregnancy.”Erika, Second time mom in Italy
"I decided to attend Mandi’s childbirth workshops because I knew almost nothing about childbirth and like to be informed. Taking workshops was better than just reading books and watching videos because I was able to ask questions specific to my needs and specific to the local hospital itself. The first video we watched showed a woman giving birth in her tub at home. I had never seen such a calm depiction of labor and birth. I really enjoyed the contraction CD that was played during the Labor Rehearsal workshop. I love being able to ask questions about our specific birth place and getting unabridged answers so that we can be ready with realistic expectations. I loved the had note cards she had of possible scenarios to help us figure out what we would want to do. I was happy to learn that there is a real, attainable alternative to medicalized birth and that I am someone who can achieve that. Mandi is a great example of someone having informed opinions about a controversial topic and presenting knowledge and opinions in a diplomatic and convincing manner. She is a fantastic model of diplomatic advocacy.”Kati, first time mom in Italy
"I was skeptical about the popular websites and forums that offer information for moms-to-be. I wanted childbirth classes that took a perspective on women's bodies as powerful and able. Mandi provided that a thousand times over! I was impressed by Mandi's sheer knowledge in the field of birth. My husband and I attended several of her birth workshops, and Mandi has the level of expertise that is only possible by true immersion, consistent self-study, and passion for this field. Mandi absolutely impressed me with her ability to communicate the information to us clearly and her passion for teaching families everything they need to know to achieve their goals in labor and birth. In the rare instances in which she did not immediately have an answer to questions from me or my husband, she said she would look into it and get back to us, which she did 100% of the time. Mandi is so multi-dimensional and skilled. She was so good at learning about me and my husband and 'molding' her services to us. I value science, reason, and logic, and Mandi picked up on that immediately and catered the childbirth classes to me. She also was really good at recognizing when we needed a break during childbirth classes, as the information can get overwhelming at times. I knew I didn't want to use standard interventions such as an epidural or induction, and I knew I did want to breastfeed. Mandi taught me everything I needed to know about these topics and we were successful in all of these endeavors!”Kati, first time mom in Italy
I wanted additional support during my labor since I have no local family and my husband was nervous. I also wanted to have some support in getting through a natural childbirth, if possible. My husband and I decided to hire you because you were friendly and encouraging. You were very helpful and communicative and you were good about offering suggestions to my husband carefully and being considerate about how he felt. Before birth, you practiced positions with us for easing physical pain, etc.--that helped me feel prepared. Also, you offered books, links, etc. After the birth, your breastfeeding advice and postpartum doula services were great.Katie, first time mom in Ohio
"We decided to hire a doula because of the excellent experience we had with our doula at our first birth. While Mandi wasn't our doula for our first birth, we definitely made the right choice hiring her for this birth. I conducted phone interviews with three potential doulas. I had called Mandi last and by the time I got to talk to her, I was concerned there were no competent doulas left that could service my area. When I talked with her about my traumatic first birth experience and my concerns for this one, she set my mind at ease. She was very knowledgeable on the phone and was very excited to work with me. The knowledge she showed, her tone of voice, and her attitude really made me comfortable with her. We set up a personal interview and we got to know her more. We really felt a strong connection with her. We felt that she would be able to help me through without forcing her opinions and she assured us that whatever we decide concerning pregnancy and birth, she would support. She was always available by phone, more than willing to talk, more than willing to accommodate me, and very supportive. Prenatal appointments were informative and empowering. I never expected her to spend 2 hours with us at each prenatal appointment. I never felt rushed during any of our appointments. Early in my third trimester I experienced an urgent prenatal complication that required hospitalization. She cut her night out with friends short and drove two hours at midnight to sit with us in the ER for hours. That really made an impression on us. The best part about having a doula is having someone on my side no matter what. I had a rough pregnancy and it was good to know that I had someone on my side that I could call and get advice and support. I ended up having a planned cesarean and knowing I had support really meant a lot to me.”Mariel, second time mom in Ohio
"Mandi was open and honest and willing to assist me whenever I needed."Staci, first time mom in Hawaii
"I have felt truly lucky to know Mandi. I have felt lucky not only to have her as my childbirth educator, doula, and breastfeeding support person, but also as an inspiring woman who works tirelessly to develop professional and mutually-respectful relationships between clients, hospital staff, and the community.”Kati, first time mom in Italy
"Mandi is tireless, driven, and a visionary.”Kati, first time mom in Italy
"Mandi and I have had a working relationship as birth workers for 4 years. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working under her as a student doula and came to be great friends with her during that time. She was truly a valuable asset to the families in our community. She is honest, dependable, incredibly hard-working and very knowledgeable about birth work and all that is involved. Beyond that, she is very passionate about evidenced based research for her clients and is always willing to learn and search out the evidence for anything, no matter the outcome. She put this skillset to work in order to give her clients the best chance to birth their way. Along with her undeniable talent, Mandi has always been an absolute joy to work with. She is a true joy to be around, and always manages to foster positive discussions and bring the best out of others.”Bethany, birth doula in Italy
"Mandi and I have been colleagues in the doula profession since 2012. When we met, Mandi was a new doula in Columbus, Ohio. Even though she had already completed two doula trainings, she decided to take a doula workshop I was teaching purely so she could learn new and different information as well as a different perspective on pregnancy, labor,and birth. Shortly after we became close friends as well as colleagues. Mandi’s knowledge of and passion for pregnant, birthing and postpartum women and families is easy to see. But more importantly, she is eager to learn as much as possible and her willing to see things from other perspectives. Mandi is a highly adaptable person who excels at supporting every person she comes into contact with as the unique individual they are. She meets every person she works with where they are and she focuses her support on their preferences and goals, even when they conflict with her personal philosophies. Mandi is the epitome of a birth professional. In our time together, Mandi has demonstrated excellent judgment and an ability to handle stress far better than many other birth professionals I know. I would not hesitate for one moment in working with or hiring Mandi. I know that Mandi seeks out the best of the best. I am also extremely impressed by Mandi’s strong desire to form collaborative relationships with a wide variety of care providers to ensure her clients have the best care possible during their pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum period.”Catie, birth doula trainer in Ohio
"Mandi is a truly remarkable childbirth educator and doula. She is an esteemed colleague who I have watched tirelessly respond to inquiries from both students and other educators offering factual and well referenced replies for years. Her dedication to evidence based care has been demonstrated on the domestic and international level as she has seamlessly moved from the US to Italy and back ‘home' again. Her certifications with Childbirth International attest to her commitment to a vision of childbirth education that focuses on making informed choices, putting a plan in place for tackling unexpected situations, and gaining decision-making capabilities. As a childbirth educator who has lived in three overseas countries I can attest to the initiative and self motivation that is required to establish a practice in a new homeland. Mandi has not only met this challenge but added depth to her practice as a result of it. An additional strength she brings to her clients is her calm and measured tone of voice. Consistent and confident, yet never strident, she is one of those educators who is able to not only inform but inspire! One final hallmark of her professionalism and preparation is her humility. Mandi humbly and respectfully offers the information in a way that entrusts her adult learners to make their own best decisions based upon the data she provides. I've watched her consistently and patiently present the current research articulately, yet I've never sensed that it is coupled with any expectations or judgement. The birthing community is fortunate to have her talents.Joni, birth doula in California
"I first met Mandi almost two year ago at an event. I had only intended to stay for a short time, but as Mandi and I began talking, I was captivated. Her passion for birth was almost tangible and she had the knowledge to match. We spent hours talking about her experiences and plans in her field.  It was invigorating to meet someone so committed to educating women about birth!  The pursuit of knowledge about birth and birthwork never ceases for Mandi, as she is constantly researching, reading, and sharing what she learns with others. When I have questions, she has resources for me and can perfectly articulate information in a comprehensive way. Being open, trustworthy, and accepting of others makes her very easy to get along with and puts many people at ease. Her enthusiasm for knowledge is contagious and she is dedicated to learning and growing in her passion for birth.”Brenna, first time mom in Italy
"Mandi is a ceaseless advocate for evidence-based care and patient rights in her daily life, even outside of her professional life. Mandi is well-respected in the community, known beyond her classes and doula support for her regular, informative presence in pregnancy- and birth-based groups, as well as her willingness to reach out to anyone seeking more birth-related information for a cup of coffee and conversation. She lives her passion and purpose with integrity, and it is my firm belief that every expecting mother needs a ‘Mandi' in her life.”Erika, second time mom in Italy
“Mandi is great!  She is so kind and really loves what she does.  We clicked almost instantly, like an immediate friendship.  My favorite thing about working with her is that she allowed me to TALK!  She is a great listener.  I really appreciated her listening to reflect on my previous two births and talk about my desires for the newest one.  I didn't realize how much I thought about birth and all that it entails. She truly helped me evaluate what I want.”Rousanna, third time mom in Ohio
"Mandi was an angel sent from heaven before, during and and after my birth. She was so professional, yet so personable. She brought peace to my overall birth experience and I had no problem trusting her. She respected my wishes and took amazing initiative, always thinking ahead, to complete tasks I hadn't even thought of! Mandi has the utmost respect for ANYTHING you choose!”Katelyn, first time mom in Ohio